Online Photo Contest to support the SHS Senior Prom
It’s Prom Season for high school students and for Sparta Seniors, this will be their only Prom since 2020’s was cancelled due to the pandemic. This had us thinking… Remember the feeling you had when you first asked your date to the prom? Nervous, sweating, unsure? Confident, ready to have a great time? Well, to help our Seniors get that memorable experience, we are hosting a Been There Before prom picture throwback contest! Help SBS raise money to ensure our Sparta seniors have a spectacular time, just like we all had a few moons ago! Details coming this weekend – and maybe some old photos of very familiar faces! So dig out those old photos. You could make your neighbors laugh, help the Sparta seniors and maybe even win yourself a prize!
How it works:
Picture submission is free. If you are a High School Senior or the family of a Senior, please note that in the entry title of your submission.
$1 dollar donation for every vote (min $5 purchase) with the goal of reaching $1,000 dollars. All donations (after transaction fees) will go directly back to the SHS Seniors to help offset prom costs
There will be 6 prizes given out. The top 3 pictures submitted by a High School Senior or their family and the top 3 pictures submitted by a non-Senior or their family as voted on by our community will win a prize as noted under the Prize tab on the entry submission website
SBS will also be posting your pictures to our Instagram page (@SpartaSocietyNJ) using the hashtags above